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Never write your own bio. — Atlanta, New York, London. Fourth World Citizen and the best dressed person in the check in line. — Red Velvet, White Negroni, The Black Ark and Afro Blue. High art and low frequency. At home in the basement, the penthouse, the studio and the boardroom. — Connect the abstract to the obvious with a line of lateral thought. — Know what to do with ideas. You need to know how to connect them. The idea is precious. — He was wearing a beat Sonic Youth T and Gucci on his feet. There was a strong smell of cigar smoke. I don’t remember much else. — This is not junior school. Sometimes you got to answer a question with a question. You always question an answer. Politicians are good with answers but not so hot on ideas. Answers get filed whilst ideas explode. Go figure. —Do you say it like “Tears” as in Tears of a Clown or like “Tear” like Love Will Tear Us Apart? — The smart hunter knows that simply looking ahead is not enough. You need to hear what’s happening behind you and feel what’s going on below you. You need, definitely, to watch everything that’s happening at the edges. — It’s the past, the present and the wonder of the future crushed down, distilled and huffed over a high flame and drawn in deeply. See what happens. — Use your life as field research. Do it with an instinct for elegance. Move fast and do a lot whilst looking like you’re almost still. You’ve seen a lion before, right? — That’s how you get the game. — Angela Davis, Joan Didion, Baudelaire and Basquiat and Frank Ocean. It all makes sense. — Beat poets shooting the breeze with Spike Lee about couture all filmed in early MTV tooth rot colour. — Commerce is nothing to be scared, or ashamed, of. — Connect, catalyse and cause a shift. — Refuse to comply with word count editorial brief.