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Erin Spens is a writer, editor, and the founder of Boat Magazine (, a travel and culture publication that focuses on a different city for each issue. As a country girl who’s lived in four of the world’s major cities (New York, Istanbul, London, and now Los Angeles), Erin is fascinated by the culture and sustainability of urban environments, and their interdependence on natural ones. She has written, edited, and produced documentary stories and films for different outlets from The Guardian to GQ and Vogue, and for brands such as Apple, Marriott, Dr. Martens, and Hulu.
She yogas.
She gardens.
She dirt bikes.
Boat Magazine is published twice a year and is sold in bookstores around the world and online. The magazine has featured original pieces by Jeffrey Eugenides, Nick Hornby, Megan Abbott, Pico Iyer, Stella Mozgowa and profiles on some of the world’s most important cultural influencers.